How To Create A Digital-First Marketing Strategy

By Prebuilt Sites Team
January 17, 2022
EDITOR’S NOTE: The digital marketing world grows as such as rapid pace each year that it’s hard to find companies who aren’t using some form of digital marketing in the business. But few companies are doing it right with a digital-first marketing strategy. A digital first strategy emphasizes the importance of utilizing digital elements whenever possible while still keeping the pieces personal and humanistic. The benefits of a successful digital-first strategy can be astronomical as an all-digital future is clearly on the economic horizon. It will help streamline your marketing efforts, dramatically increase your brand’s reach, and allow your business to remain competitive. Keep reading to learn how to create a digital first marketing strategy. If you have any questions or want us to do it for you, reach out to us at Prebuilt Sites or The BBS Agency. We’d love to help you out!
The Digital Marketing world has become vital to most businesses and companies, providing an expansive universe of potential.
For instance, a Digital-First Strategy could transform a business in many ways and drive them forward into the all-digital future that is clearly on the economic horizon.
The following information will make it easier for businesses to transition to this new approach.
You’ll learn more about the nature of a Digital-First Strategy and understand the various anchors and tools you can use to make this approach more successful for your business needs.
- What Is a Digital-First Strategy
- Understanding the Anchors for a Digital-First Approach
- The Importance of a Digital-First Strategy
- How to Create a Digital-First Business Model
- Tools That Help With a Digital-First Concept
Keep reading!
What Is a Digital-First Strategy
A Digital-First Strategy (sometimes also called “Digital by Default”) is a term with a pretty self-explanatory meaning — businesses striving toward organizing in a digital environment.
It is essential to note right away that a digital-first culture is not focused on eliminating traditional storage mediums.
For instance, books, paper records, and much more all still play an essential part in the business world, especially in the sales department.
However, a Digital-First Strategy emphasizes the importance of a diverse and broad approach that emphasizes digital elements whenever possible.
In a sense, the digital-first mindset focuses on teaching those in business about the importance of cloud-based storage, internet marketing and sales, and other digital concepts.
Emphasizing these elements allows businesses to stay competitive and expand on a rapidly growing platform.
For instance, did you know that over half of all online sales are made not by a computer but via a phone or tablet?
And a rapidly growing number of deals and business interactions are done in a digital environment, including online sales, email communication, and much more.
As a result, a digital by default approach states that important information should be stored in a digital environment first and backed up with physical copies.
Physical storage mediums and transactions (like sales) still serve an important role but are focused more to be a backup to an expanded digital presence.
Before approaching this mindset with reckless abandonment, businesses need to understand more about how it operates.
For instance, several vital anchors help provide the support this approach needs to succeed where others like it have failed in the past.
Understanding the Anchors for a Digital-First Approach
Anchors help to keep a digital-first methodology grounded and focused in its operation.
Without the three following anchors, your strategy is likely to fail. Fully understand each of these elements before you begin to improve your chances of success in this sometimes challenging field.
Your customers and employees need perfect transparency in a digital world because it is easy for hackers and other malcontents to hide in this environment.
For instance, you’ll need many security protections and an open trading platform that shares information as transparently as possible.
Just as importantly, you need open communication platforms for your customers and employees.
These include clear email addresses, contact forms protected via various security methods, and an open and honest operational policy that provides maximum transparency levels.
In this context, personalization consists of finding ways to make your digital environment feel personal to each individual interacting with it.
For example, using various geographical mapping tools can help you pitch your website and marketing directly to people in a specific area.
Personalization also refers to tweaking your digital environment for many possible groups. Your website must be compatible not only with computer-based internet browsers but must also work with Android and Apple phone-based operating systems.
Human Interaction
A Digital-First Strategy is meaningless if it doesn’t anchor itself in human interaction.
For example, your website needs to be attractive, easy to read and navigate, and must possess beneficial information. In a sense, your digital elements need to drive a more robust human connection at all times.
Without this humanistic approach, it is easy for a digital-first environment to feel cold or disconnected.
Strive toward greater human interaction levels, and you’ll find that your digital-first approach reaps huge dividends and makes you feel even more connected to your customers.
The Importance of a Digital-First Strategy
The digital-first approach is rapidly becoming standard in many business environments because of the ways it transforms operation.
Without a Digital-First Strategy, you are likely to fall behind your competitors in an increasingly computerized world. A digital-first methodology offers:
- Enhanced Branding — A true Digital-First Strategy will transform your branding possibilities by opening you up to a broader range of potential users.
- Increased Operational Range — If you’re trying to expand your operation into new areas geographically, digital-first approaches help reach out to more potential buyers.
- Boosted Security Protection — High-quality digital strategies create redundant storage and security steps that protect your information more effectively.
- Improved Data Access — A Digital-First Strategy helps to make your information more easily accessible to a broader range of your employees and customers.
- Simplified Employee Tracking — Utilize various digital tools to gauge your employee satisfaction and success and weigh how they impact your bottom line.
- Streamlined Marketing — The digital environment provides many enhanced marketing options for a skilled advertising specialist to fully utilize.
- Strengthened Competitive Skills — Utilizing this approach allows you to stay competitive with businesses in your field and avoid getting lost in the shuffle.
Simply put, a Digital-First Strategy creates more substantial and more efficient businesses that stay on top of the latest trends in the market.
By utilizing this process, you give yourself and your company the best chance of catching up with industry leaders — and even becoming an industry leader yourself.
How to Create a Digital-First Business Model
If you are interested in a Digital-First Strategy for your business, it is crucial to understand a few basic steps that will make this change easier.
The concepts below will help make it easier for you to produce the operative model that your company needs to stand out digitally.
Build a Brand Story
All of your digital content should serve to emphasize your branding story as a business.
Remember: a Digital-First Strategy can enhance your online branding and make you stand out from your competitors.
Write down the story that you want to tell, including details that make sense to you, and use this information to drive all of your content and digital transformation steps.
Define Goals
Transitioning to a digital-first method requires you to define the goals that you want to achieve with this process.
You may want to enhance your online sales by 100 percent or more, create recurrent and redundant storage to protect your data, or improve customer information security.
Whatever steps you want to take, make sure you emphasize them during your transition.
Develop Buyer Personas
Your business’s digital presence is almost always enhanced by unique buyer personas that represent your company.
For instance, you can post pictures of your staff online, including detailed descriptions of who they are as people.
This type of personal branding helps enhance transparency, create a deeper level of human interaction, and put a face on those people with whom your customers work.
Create a Journey Map
Digital transformation is a journey that often requires a literal map to make it easier.
Your journey map should include steps that you want to utilize during your trip, information on your progress as you make it, and assessments of your overall progress.
Using this type of approach helps to make your comprehensive digitalization attempt that much easier to achieve.
Develop a Content Strategy
All of your Digital-First Strategy should concentrate on high-quality content that helps to connect you and your customers.
Ensure that you create a strategy that makes sense for your needs, such as regular updates to your blog and location pages. Integrating these elements helps to make your site feel more up-to-date and consistently enhances your digital presence.
Create an Editorial Calendar
When creating new digital content for your website, blog, or sales site, you need to publish new pieces consistently.
As a result, a good editorial calendar is an excellent option for many businesses. These calendars provide you with the schedule that you need to meet your content needs, allowing you to transition to a digital environment more easily.
Define Your KPIs
KPIs stands for “Key Performance Indicators” and refer to a series of easy-to-measure factors that you can use to gauge your company’s success.
When it comes to a Digital-First Strategy, you need to create KPIs that measure your transition to this environment, such as the amount of data you have stored, the number of transactions you get online, and the overall cost of this implementation procedure.
Tools That Help With a Digital-First Concept
If you plan on updating your business to a Digital-First Strategy sooner rather than later, you must integrate a handful of tools that will help you stand out.
These concepts and programs combine various tracking options that help to make this overall process much smoother and less frustrating.
Agile Methodology
Agile is a unique tool that makes it easier to track digital success, and its many methodologies help to transform a Digital-First Strategy by integrating adaptive planning (which helps to make the early stages of execution easier), early delivery whenever possible, continual improvement of core mechanics, and much more.
API Management
API management is a term that refers to using various programs and interfaces to enhance your data analysis and collecting procedures.
These apps allow you to interact with your customers, gauge their commitment to you, and simplify storing and protecting their personal data.
DevOps focuses on integrating fresh ideas and technology into your digital-first environment as a combination of development and operations.
It allows you to expand your base of potential concepts and enhance your execution by finding integration solutions for your business.
Identity-centric Security
Protecting your customers’ data requires identity-centric security, a term that refers to several processes that require regular identity verification before data is shared.
For instance, carefully chosen passwords, IP-matching software, and much more can all help to verify identities and make your Digital-First Strategy more transparent and easy to execute.
As you can see, finding a good Digital-First Strategy is a great way to make your business stand out in the market.
By implementing a smooth and streamlined approach, you can slowly and effectively integrate a broad range of digital-first concepts into your business operation.
If you are interested in a digital-first approach and want to get the best results for your needs, you have to provide digital experiences for your audience. learn how to do this here!
Originally posted on Rock Content.