fight information overload

How Businesses Can Fight Information Overload & Help Their Customers

There is so much information out there nowadays that consumers are suffering from information overload. We have content available at our fingertips all day long. We’re all regularly consuming some form of content whether it be emails, social media posts, digital advertisements, and more. It’s hard to sift through the quantity of posts to find…

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social media customer success

Instagram Is Still The Most Important Channel For Influencer Marketing

Takeaways from a detailed survey on influencer marketing by HypeAuditor show that influencer marketing is here to stay, and Instagram is still the most important channel for influencer marketing. According to the study, as of now 68% of marketing specialists rely on Instagram for their company’s marketing. Reels have grown as well as video content…

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keep reading blog post

10 Tips For Writing Blog Posts That Are Both SEO-Friendly And Readable

Wiritng blog posts that are both enjoyable to read and SEO-friendly can be an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. If you do thorough keyword research, really think things out, and create an outline before you start writing, you’ll be in a great place to work from. In order to  make sure…

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streamline workflow

3 Strategies To Craft More Impactful Customer Journeys

Successful customer journeys require companies to translate what they see on the whiteboard into the market. It’s not necessarily about trying to come up with more innovative solutions, but rather sticking to the basics and being practical with their strategies. This blog post by MarTech outlines 3 different strategies for creating more impactful customer journeys.…

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want branded content

How To Build A Cohesive Visual Brand

Your visual brand is an identifying mark for your business, and the most memorable for customers. Nowadays it’s more important than ever to build a cohesive visual brand that is recognizable across any platform. Without a clear visual brand, it becomes much harder to effectively market your company. Cohesive branding doesn’t just help your business…

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feedback customer experience

Customer Experience vs Customer Expectations

There are two types of CX you need to be aware of: customer experience and customer expectation. While they’re two different things, they are inseparably related. Customer experience focuses on all the interactions a customer has with your brand. Content they consume, advertisements they read, communications they receive from the company and customer representatives they…

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the power of a brand that cares

The Power of A Brand That Actually Really Cares

You already know that your product is only as good as your brand, but it’s important to take a moment to reflect every now and then on why it’s so important. In the age of the pandemic, it’s even more difficult for businesses to thrive and they need a partner they can count on, not…

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facebook ads for beginners

How To Generate New Content Ideas By Using Data Analysis

To make the most out of your data, you need to know how to perform proper data analysis to extract meaningful insights and make informed business decisions. There are many different ways to generate new content ideas by using data analysis. A content gap analysis can reveal a problem that people are looking for but…

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strong brand reputation

Why You Should Be Using Youtility In Your Marketing Strategy

Youtility is a concept that was coined by Jay Baer, founder of Convince and Convert and author of Youtility in 2013 to describe marketing that’s wanted by the consumer, rather than needed by the company. It’s a marketing approach that focuses more on providing useful information and a massive amount of value to your audience…

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clean up old content

Clean Up Your Old Content To Improve Your SEO

If you publish content regularly, it’s likely that you have a small handful of blog posts that are bringing in the majority of your organic traffic, and the rest are ranking a solid “meh”. It may sound like publishing more content is the way to go, but it can actually be doing more harm than…

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